EOC 200: Our “Tiger King” Reality Check

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Episode 200!! Thanks to everyone for all your support!!!

Tiger Adult, Mathias Appel, Creative Commons

Documentary producer Nate Ford invites two big cat experts to weigh in on the record-breaking documentary series, “Tiger King.” Did you watch the show and fall in love with tigers? Find out ways to get involved in big cat conservation and learn how to impact legislation (like, right now) by supporting the Big Cat Safety Act. Are you tired of hearing your neighbor talk about getting a pet tiger? Tune in to find out the legitimate reasons why that is a TERRIBLE idea. Then, go tell your neighbor. And then, consider moving.

Jaguar (Panthera onca) biologist, Kimberly Craighead, setting up camera trap, Kaminando Habitat Connectivity Initiative, Mamoni Valley, Panama. Photo by Sebastian Kennerknecht

Kimberly Craighead is the co-founder of the Kaminando Habitat Connectivity Initiative, where her team collects data on wild jaguars in Panama through the use of camera traps. One of her main goals is to empower local Panamanians as well as conservationists around the world to participate in preserving suitable natural environments for the jaguar. Tune in to hear about her treks in the jungle and the touching story about a tapir that was captured in a village in Panama, and how the villagers responded. To learn more about Kimberly's work, visit Kaminando.org.

Tiger Cub, David Conger, Creative Commons

Amy Gotliffe is the Director of Conservation for the OaklandZoo, which has provided “forever homes” to rescued big cats for years. They continueto push the limit of what a zoo can be by sparking ideas and fostering a globalresponse to animal conservation. Amy gives pointers on how to get involved inthe stewardship of a species you love and expands on the myriad of ways inwhich we can maximize small personal decisions for a global impact. Grab yourfavorite stuffed animal and sequined jacket…EOC takes on the Tiger King!

Jaguar (Panthera onca) male in rainforest at night, Coastal Jaguar Conservation Project, Tortuguero National Park, Costa Rica. Photo by Sebastian Kennerknecht.

Music: David Bashford (via Bloc Films)


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